Sunday, 1. September 2013, 23:03 - 23:59, Ö1


1) “Tohu Wa Bohu” 

by Shelley Hirsch in 5.1 Surround Sound

2) „The Episodes“ 

by Michael J. Schumacher


1) “Tohu Wa Bohu”

by Shelley Hirsch in 5.1 Surround Sound


Shelley Hirsch is a vocal artist, performer, actress and composer from New York. For the Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche Hirsch and the Swiss artist Ursula Scherrer have created an installation, that was on show in April 2013 as part oft he Donaufestival in Krems.
“In the beginning was tohu wa bohu: The Swiss artists Ursula Scherrer and the US-American singer and composer Shelley Hirsch create a room prior to the first sunrise. The term “tohu wa bohu” is a Hebrew phrase and means chaos and emptiness. It describes the original state of being before Creation (Genesis 1:2). Soon after the separation of the sky and the seas were the algae. With symbioses of single cell organisms, life started. ALGA – an installation of two Krems-based Artists in Residence. From sea algae, light and voices Scherrer and Hirsch create a primeval space. Tohu wa bohu – an exploration of the light before it had an origin. In the beginning was…”

Kunstradio presents a 5.1 radio version of this piece by Shelley Hirsch.

2) „The Episodes“

by Michael J. Schumacher


Michael J. Schumachers “The Episodes” was awarded an Honorary Mention at this year’s Prix Palma Ars Acustica, a radio art award initiated by members of the EURORADIO Ars Acustica group.

Description (by Michael J. Schumacher):
The Episodes uses mostly radio sounds to build a quasi-drama, essentially an imaginary car ride with reception issues, in which the auto scan function has gone manic. Stations interweave and coalesce with intermodulation distortion playing a decisive role in undermining intelligibility.

The basic form is 3-part, like a traditional piano sonata: intro-fast-slow-fast. The last 8 minutes or so include an older, unpublished composition called "Logic Somewhere", which in itself made ample use of frequency and amplitude modulation (FM and AM).

I like to listen to the radio in the car, I think this "practice" had a big influence on my way of composing. First of all, the car is a great listening environment (especially the newer models with their excellent soundproofing). Second, the radio is a kind of random sound generator. Third, the modes of listening vary from moment to moment, sometimes I can focus on the music, then I'm distracted by something on the road, then I'll notice the music has crept into my subconscious, or, when I'm on the highway going fast, I'll turn to a rock station and the music's rhythm will flow nicely with the feeling of speed.

Of course, one shouldn't take these thoughts to literally in regards to 'The Episodes', they can be only very loosely applied. In fact, the piece has its own logic that came out of the materials that I collected in preparation. But maybe someday, now that I've evolved this conception of what the piece might have been, I will try to write something that adheres more strictly to the plan.