Sunday, 31. May 2015, 23:03 - 23:59, Ö1



Part 2: Domestic Weather

Mark Vernon (2015)

sound PLAY

"Can this cold weather possibly be caused by the wireless waves which, I understand, travel at 186,000 miles per second? You see, if the ether waves travel at such a prodigious speed through the air, they surely must create quite a stir and a draught, especially as I understand that they pass through, and not round the house. - Technical Talks To Listeners, Popular Wireless, January 5, 1924 Writes Vernon, "Domestic Weather investigates both the affects of weather on radio transmission and conversely the affects of radio waves on weather through a number of different experiments and processes. Using household gadgets as analogies of various weather conditions, real audio recordings of weather are microbroadcast to small radios inside or in the vicinity of these devices with the resulting duet recorded--for example the sound of a tornado coming from inside a tumble dryer, heavy rain in the shower or howling winds alongside a hairdryer. Classic weather sound effects for live radio plays or film Foley will be recreated using only household items. Fake weather effects will be made by manipulating recordings of radio static. Interviews will be conducted with ham radio operators about the effects of weather and atmospheric conditions on their radio transmissions. Also featured will be examples of meteorological information conveyed through radio such as weather, shipping and aviation forecasts and transmissions intercepted from Radiosondes--small weather probes that are sent into the atmosphere by balloon. All of this will be interspersed with voices illustrating the ever popular British pastime of talking about the weather."
