Sunday, 4. Feburary 2018, 23:03 - 00:00, Ö1



Image: Muhammad Jabali

From the Red Sea to the Dead Sea:
a Soundscape of an Occupation 2018

Curated and produced by Meira Asher

- North Jordan Valley 2018 by Meira Asher


There is a project by the Israeli state to make life intolerable for the Palestinians remaining in the Jordan valley, the West Bank, for the purposes of de-facto annexation of this land and its resources. This introductory composition is focused on the evacuation/demolition orders issued to the Palestinian communities by the Israeli Civil Administration. Thanks: the families of the North Jordan Valley, Guy Hircefeld, Liam Evans.

- The Sea That You Cannot See by Dganit Elyakim
Dedicated to Haitham Khatib


How do you deliver a message of hope in our forlorn reality? Maybe the answer lies in the sea, which is completely indifferent to the nations that “rule” its beach shores - rise and fall, like the sea waves.

I asked my friends to describe the sea to their beloveds from the other side of the barrier, the ones who are prevented from approaching it. The actor, director and writer Mohamad Bakri described the sea to his friend Hassan; Hanan Zaid Elkilani, a young, emerging art student, portrayed the sea to — from Nablus; Maya Felixbrodt (viola) played for the freedom fighters Ahed (16) and Nariman Tamimi from Nabi Saleh; Adaya Godlevsky (harp) dedicated her playing to the children of Palestine; and Samira Saraya painted the sea in words and sang for her family in the refugee camp in Jenin.

- An Audio Guide to Occupation - Part 1 A-D by Ma’ayan Tsadka


an audio guide to occupation is a sonic archive, using found materials from the daily life in occupied Palestine. It makes use of minimum sound manipulations.Mostly isolating moments, categorizing, and at times layering. It is intended to be an ongoing documentation

A. Means of Intimidation
Israeli military night raid
B. Means of Crowd Control
Tear Gas
The Skunk: Water Cannon
C. Means of Killing
Rubber-Coated Steel Bullets
Live Ammunition
Air Strike on Gaza
D.Means of resistance

- Lascia Vibrare: There’s a Family Living by Eran Sachs
Dedicated to Michael Zupraner


At the center of this piece there is a field recording of a family, captured from a distance. On first listen there doesn’t seem to be anything special about this recording; but over the course of this reportage it becomes apparent that the act of documentation may register more than one might have initially suspected.

The Sea That You Cannot See
Ö1 Kunstsonntag
Nebenan: Erkundungen in Eruopas Nachbarschaft