Jocelyn Robert

Jocelyn Robert is an interdisciplinary artist who lives in Quebec city, Canada. He works in audio art, performance art, video, visuals arts, music and writing. His works have been shown in Canada, United-States, Mexico, Chile, Australia and in many European countries. He published around fifteen cds —collaborating along the way with people like Laetitia Sonami, Daniel Jolliffe, Bruit TTV or Louis Ouellet— and worked on about fifteen more from other people.
In 1993, with a group of artists, he founded Avatar, an audio and electronic arts centre in Quebec.
He currently teaches at l’École des arts visuels de l’Université Laval de Québec. 


1995 Horizontal Radio: Québec
1996 Rivers & Bridges
18. - 27. 07. 1997 Recycling the Future II
08. - 13. 09.1997 Recycling the Future III


04.01.1996: "Ding Dong deluxe"
05.12.1997:  Recycling the Future IV: "WHERE NOWHERE IS WHERE IT'S AT" together with Christof Migone
23. 07. 2000: "La Crachecophage", together with Laetitia Sonami.
21. 04. 2002: FREQUENCity curated by Steve Bates - "San Francisco in 3 acts"
15.03.2003: Talking Crosswalk Québec City
24. 07. 2011: „Le Crachecophage“, together with Laetitia Sonami.
31. 07. 2011: „Les Scaphandres”, together with Laetitia Sonami.
07. 08. 2011: „The Empire of the Butterflies“, together with Laetitia Sonami.