Minuro Sato

Minoru Sato wurde 1963 geboren. Im Moment lebt er in Tokyo. Im Jahre 1989 begann er seine (künstlerischen) Aktivitäten unter dem Namen "m/s". Im Jahre 1994 etablierte er das label "WrK". In seiner Arbeit beschäftigt sich Minoru Sato vor allem mit physikalischen Phänomenen und der Wahrnehmung dieser. Seine Erkundungen und künstlerischen Aktivitäten manifestieren sich in Installationen, Performances und geschriebenem Text. Seine musikalischen Arbeiten produziert er unter dem Namen "S.A.S.W.".

Minoru Sato was born in 1963, and currently lives in Tokyo. In 1989, he started activities under the name "m/s". In 1994, the label "WrK" was established for creative activities. His interests focus on physical phenomena and their reception; his research and creative activites are explored in the form of installations, multiples, performances and written text. In addition, he produces works with an orientation in music using the name "S.A.S.W.".

Sendungen im ORF-Kunstradio

10. 06. 2001: Social Music II - "Sociality as Aftereffect"

circuit models of physical vibration for power source

Dec. 1995, at uplink factory in Tokyo
I made a circuit model of physical vibration for 100V AC power by using several electromagnetic coils.
The model presents as a dynamic relation as force balance between the electromagnetic force by AC and the gravity. It generates variable shifts of physical vibration caused by equilibrium between the periodical pulling force by varied electromagnetic and the gravity of solenoid coils.

Apr. 1995, at street of AOYAMA in Tokyo

I installed this work in public space at several street trees put up sign boards. This work is a small unit for minimal sounding system consists of a small loudspeaker for headphone, a small dry battery and thin wires. I connected the wires with the clasp of the sign board in order to make up electrical contact points. At the points, the unit caught up the various physical vibration from window, traffic and so on as an aspect of street factors. The sound is generated by the contact electricity intermittently occurs at the points.