TEXT [1][2][3][4][5] [6] FIGURES [1&2] [3&4]

Technical considerations 1.0

on the organisation and the papers:

I think it is useless to try to cover once and for good the theoretical and technical terrain on which we plan to build the Bridges & Rivers project. Diversity of points of view -as clearly expressed in the Ars Acustica meeting of Budapest last November- would make it unpractical to try to cover every possible aspect. What is more, it would be completely contrary to the proposed tactics of investigation, as described in the following pages.

Another point that supports an open and flexible form of work documents is the two-headed artistic coordination : if we do not want it to slow down a project where time -or rather its absence- is a major parameter, if we do not want to have to wait for the approval or adjustments or proposals of the other before we can act (this is Jocelyn talking to Janos but can be expanded), I suggest that we need a document where we should simply express all of our ideas one on top of the other, one after the other, accumulating points of views until a critical mass is reached and someone can generate a proposal out of the ungoing of process instead of trying to refine a (elusive) theoretical standpoint on which to build the project. Actually, this very letter, as well as all other papers included here, should be part of it.

What is more, I have no will whatsoever to tell anybody what to do or think : on the other hand, I do have the will to share thoughts with others if others can express their minds on the same platform and if that very process can bring up artistic collaborations and exchanges. And I do have the will to help the process.

J.Robert (05-01-96)