Soundscapes by different international artists
These soundscapes are played randomly at times when there are no live-productions taking place. They may also be used as material in live-mixes by the artists producing on site at Open X at the Brucknerhaus.

Marina Abramovic/Ulay - Snake Bridge
Sam Auinger - O&A Resonance
Sam Auinger - Flugstunden Rupert Huber/Robert Adrian - Applaus (also available on CD)
Ros Bandt & Friends - Footsteps
Joseph Celli - World Soundprint: Pacific
Roberto Paci Dalo - Napoli - ein akustisches Stadtportait
Martin Daske/Martine Ketelbuters - Nachts Minus Zwanzig
Jim Denley / Rick Rue - Sydney - Linz
Francisco Felipe - Desolacion de la Ciudad
Bill Fontana - Sound Sculptures of Level Crossings
Bill Fontana - Farallon Soundscape from Soundsculptures through the Golden Gate
Bill Fontana - Australian Soundscapes
Bill Fontana - Landscape Soundings (also available on CD)
Bill Fontana - Wild Return
Bill Fontana - Satelliten-OhrbrŸcke
Bill Fonatana - Ile Sonore
Bill Fontana - Virtual Nature (also available on CD)
Les Gilbert - Kakadu
Rupert Huber/Robert Adrian - Applaus (also available on CD)
George Jappe - Von frŸh bis spŠt (also available on CD)
Georg Jappe - Gänsefüßchen oben (also available on CD)
Georg Jappe - Die 4 Jahreszeiten
Arsenije Jovanovic - Concerto Grosso Balcanico (also available on CD)
Arsenije Jovanovic - Metropolis Beograd
Arsenije Jovanovic - Invasions, Resava Cave, The Island of the Dying Monkey, Ma Maison
Igor Likar - Climbing the Sky
Gerhard Rühm - Wien wie es klingt (also available on CD)
Rick Rue + Shane Fahey- Social Interiors - The World Behind You
Gunter Schneider - Das Rohr
Andrea Sodomka, Martin Breindl , Norbert Math & andere - The Future Of Memory Soundscape Amsterdam
Ivana Stefanovic - Lacrimosa (also available on CD)
Tibor Szemzš - Tractatus
Nils- Aslak Valkepää - Goase Dusse/Bird Symphony
The Vancouver Soundscape1
The Vancouver Soundscape2
Agnieszka Waligorska/ Peka Siren - Siren Water Sculptures
Agnieszka WaligorskaPekka Siren - Terra Incognita
Ward Weis - Acte/Hart
Hildegard Westerkamp - Transformations
Hildegard Westerkamp - Türen der Wahrnehmung
Hildegard Westerkamp - Soundscape Brasilia
Andrew Yencken - Metamorphoses 1