Ushi Reiter

studied visual design and communication at the "KunstuniverstätLinz". As web developer, graphic designer and artist with a special interest in net.activism and audio-visual communication she has been collaborating with different groups and artists since 1998. She continues to work on the analysis of design and non-commercial communication tools in the frame of cultural production and work on conceptual and performative setups using electronic and analog media. In 2002, she joined the FACES team. Since June 2005 Reiter runs the non-commercial cultural backbone organization Kunst & Kultur im Netz.

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Kunstradio Sendungen:

17.03. 2002: "devolve into II"

24.03. 2002: intermedium 2

31.03. 2002: "devolve into II"

16. 01. 2009: Art’s Birthday 2009 – Live aus der Kulturfabrik Hainburg

18. 01. 2009: Art’s Birthday 2009 – Livemix

19. 04. 2009: Art’s Birthday 2009 Review – Teil 5

Kunstradio Projekte:

2002: ".. devolve into II .."