is an elf cyborg alien raised by human parents and reclaiming their true form through music – having come to planet Earth with the goal of empowering the practice of magical creation. This comes through interactive live performances that deliberately tear down the wall between performer and audience, utilizing acts like stomping, clapping and singing mantras together, that directly transport the audience into the elf alien’s fantastical homeland, depicted in sonic landscapes and emotionally connect them with each other – carried by Mataya’s operatic elven voice on self-produced ethereal synthesizer sounds and strong beats. This comes through interactive live performances that deliberately tear down the wall between performer and audience, utilizing acts like stomping, clapping and singing mantras together, that directly transport the audience into the elf alien’s fantastical homeland, depicted in sonic landscapes and emotionally connect them with each other – carried by Mataya’s operatic elven voice on self-produced ethereal synthesizer sounds and strong beats. ist ein Elf Cyborg Alien - von Menschen aufgezogen und seine/ihre wahre Form wiedererlangend durch Musik. Er/sie organisiert Performance-Kunst-Zeremonien, welche auf ihren/seinen Liedern basieren und mithilfe von interaktiven Elementen das Publikum in die fantastische Welt der Musik entführen. Abseits davon formen Musik-Kurzfilme eine visuelle Online-Präsenz. Das Album “THE WORLD_SHE COMES”, welches die intergalaktische Reise des Elf Cyborg Alien zeigt, ist im Sommer 2021 erschienen. Sendungen im Kunstradio: |