The future of all radio is silence
Resonance 104.4 FM presents The Harmon e. Phraisyar Show - a five album special for Kunstradio. The future of all radio is silence.
The programmes are presented in the form of five 'albums', with the following titles and air dates:
Album One: Unthinkable
Album Two: By listening to this radio broadcast one can participate in a particularly tedious and impersonal form of ritual.
Wer diese Radiosendung hört, kann an einer besonders ermüdenden und unpersönlichen Form eines Rituals teilhaben.
Album Three: 'Why, Harmon darling, this radio show is a disaster. Soon you'll have all of Europe clammering at your door'.
Aber Harmon, Schatz: Diese Radiosendung ist ein Disaster. Bald wird ganz Europa an deiner Tür hämmern.
Album Four: Failure rate (notes from an electronic dungheap).
Ausfallsrate (Notizen eines elektronischen Misthaufens).
Album Five: The future of all radio is silence.
Die Zukunft des Radios ist Stille.