Prix Palma Ars Acustica 2020

[ D E U T S C H ]

Videostill: The Beauty and the Beat © Sopheak Sao

„PHNOM PENH FM: RE / DISC / OVER“ by Sopheak Sao
The Ö1 Kunstradio Produktion has been awarded with the EBU Prix Palma Ars Acustica 2020


This year the jury of the Prix Palma Ars Acustica awarded ex aequo the Ö1 Kunstradio production Phnom Pen FM: Re / Disc / Over by Cambodian filmmaker and artist Sopheak Sao and radio work Ror-bu by artist Veronika Svobodová, produced by Český rozhlas Czech Radio (CR).

The International Prix Palma Ars Acustica is awarded annually by the Ars Acustica Group of the European Broadcasting Union and is endowed with 2000 euros. The winning piece will be broadcast by all participating radio stations and will therefore be widely distributed throughout Europe.

Sopheak Sao:

I am very happy to be the recipient of this year's Palma Ars Acustica.

As an artist and media producer I am proud of my achievement.

As a Cambodian women I hope that my work will make more foreigners aware of my home country and its strugle for peace and democracy throughout the last 40 years. I want us to remember those of my sisters who did not make it as far as I did. We - a new generation of mothers and daughters - will not stop to advocate for gender equality and women's rights to eliminate domestic violence, sexual harrassment and other social illnesses.

I thank the Austrian and European listeners and well as the award committee for amplifying my voice to make it heard around the world.“

The radio art work PHNOM PENH FM: RE / DISC / OVER by the Cambodian documentary filmmaker and artist Sopheak Sao was created in 2019 as part of the "re/dis/cover" project initiated by the Austrian visual artist Gertrude Moser-Wagner in cooperation with Medienwerkstatt Wien, the World Museum Vienna and the Meta House Phnom Phen, supported by the Goethe Institute.

The radio art work "PHNOM PENH FM: RE / DISC / OVER" features young Khmer artists, bloggers and activists, as well as Cambodian TV stars, women from the hill tribes in the north-east of the country and the Cambodian rock diva Kak Chanthy, who died in 2018. Audio excerpts from Sopheak São's films, field recordings and revised record samples will also be heard.

On August 9th, "PHNOM PENH FM: RE / DISC / OVER" by Sopheak Sao will be heard in Radiokunst - Kunstradio together with the ex aequo winning piece Ror-bu by Veronika Svobodová.

EBU Ars Acustica Gruppe
PHNOM PENH FM: RE / DISC / OVER von Sopheak Sao mit Chris Zippel, Jan Mueller and Nico Mesterharm
RORBU von Veronika Svobodová