Orsolya Kaincz

born in 1983 is a Budapest based musician, organiser. Her interest in music gradually shifted its focus from instrumental free improvisation to electroacoustic experimentation and sound art. She is part of the Budapest contemporary and experimental music scene, such as the Transparent Sound New Music Festival and kamon kardamom acoustic-electronic improvisation trio. She is a self taught musician. She connected to Hungarian musicians and composers to learn about contemporary composers and methods. Her approach was greatly shaped by her cooperation with experimental musician Zsolt Sőrés then artist and composer Nikolaus Gerszewski. With their lead, they realized conceptual works and graphical partitures in various forms from composers like Antoine Beuger, Cornelius Cardew, Ernő Király and Phill Niblock.

Sendungen im Kunstradio:

  • 23 10 2022: Listening Biennial

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