Pedro López

Improvisation as an only discipline. Recolection of acoustic or electronic sounds to be analized afterwards and reproduced from invented instruments. Sound designs through computer which will be stocked in a sampler for its use in live. Michophonization and manipulation in real time of magnetic tapes through footswitch.

Founder of the improvisation ensembles Zyklus, Fases, (duo with the American reed instruments player Wade Mattews) modisti (a dúo with the vocalist Belma Martin) & Scorecrackers (next the Swiss multiinstrumentalist Markus Breuss).

Records: To request by e-mail

-Interface (90)

-Nude (93),

-Esquizodelia (Clónicos, 96) .

-Eating Flowers (Scorecrackers '97)

-Fases (Fases '97)

-La Cultura nos salva (modisti 97)

Published articles. To request by e-mail

"Música de autor- música de participación"(author music - participation music): Revista de Occidente n(o) 151 Diciembre 1993.

"Un desorden aparente"(an apparent disorder): Noise Club no. 5, 2nd Trimestre 1996

"Un respeto para la basura"(A respect for the garbage). Noise Club no. 6/7 cuarto trimestre 1996

"fuera del tiempo (los dos infinitos)"(it would be of the time (the two infinite), Noise Club n(o) 8 2(o) Trimestre 1997

  • Vl Ciclo de Música Contemporánea (Granada 88),
  • BBC "Midnight Oil" (London 93),
  • VI Festival de Música del Siglo XX (León 93),
  • London Musician's Collective (London 93),
  • Atelier de Création Radiophonique Radio France (Paris 94).
  • STEIM Studio for Electroinstrumental Music ( Amsterdam 93)
  • VI Ciclo de Música Contemporánea Koken (Valladolid 95).
  • Paralelo Madrid Otras Músicas: Fases (92) next to Hugh Davis. Zyklus (93) & Modisti (94).
  • "Horizontal Radio"(95 Y 96)
  • "Punto de Encuentro" (95 y 96).
  • Festival Ressó (Palma de
  • Mallorca 96) A trio tour with German bass player Peter Kowald, (96),
  • Jornadas de Informática y Electrónica Músical CDMC ( Madrid 96)
  • Gracia Territori Sonor Experimental Europeu (Barcelona 96),
  • "Sin Film" multimedia performance with filmmaker Javier Aguirre in the Festival Internacional de Teatro Música Danza y Cine (Madrid 96) & XVII
  • Festival de Musica del Siglo XX (Bilbao November 97).
  • 13th Festival Internacional de Música
  • Contemporánea de Alicante (September 97) (Improvisation in the debut of a work of José Iges & Concha Jerez in the Caves of Canelobre (Busot) with the vocalist Belma Martín & the percussion player Pilar Subirá.

Founder member of the musicalibre association, manager of the International Festival hurta cordel of improvised music.

Director of the magazines; mi (músicas improvisadas), Hurta Cordel. & Hurly-Burly.
Cooperates equally for the magazines: Margen, Noise Club, Europolitan Press & Revista
Internacional Latinoamericana de Musicoterapia.

Promoter of the CEDI (Centro de Encuentro para el Desarrollo de la Improvisación).


"Metalogic", together with Belma Martín.