Sonntag, 04. September 2022, 23:00 - 0:00, Ö1




All right. Good night

von Helgard Haug

All right. Good night is a successful play by author Helgard Haug, a member of the group Rimini Protokoll, it delighted audiences as well as critics. "All right. Good night" links two storylines, which at first glance seem to have not much in common, in a clever and sensitive way. On the one hand, it is the increasing dementia of the author's own father, how his memory is fading and thus the personality of the ill person is changing; on the other hand, one of the great mysteries of aviation history: the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines’ passenger flight MH370 on March 8, 2014. The Boeing, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members, was on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing; after only 39 minutes and 13 seconds, the plane disappeared from radar. Speculation about the plane's whereabouts ranged from hijacking to an extended suicide by the pilot. Shortly after the plane's disappearance, Helgard Haug's father writes his grandson four almost identical happy birthday letters. A year later he forgets the birthday, and some other things too, and at some point this forgetfulness gets a name: Dementia. An irreversible process that author and director Helgard Haug traces.

All right. Good night are said to have been the pilot's last recorded words. And it is the title of the play that was invited to the 59th Berlin Theatertreffen. The production featured no actors or performers - just a band playing live. The texts were projected and played back over loudspeakers. The radio version was produced by WDR and directed by Helgard Haug.